In Spain, the filming of the film "Venom 3" has resumed. Tom Hardy, who plays the role of the main character Eddie Brock, told fans about the re-start of the work.
Filming of the third "Venom" was suspended in mid-summer. The reason for this was the strike of the Actors Guild of the USA, in which Tom Hardy himself is a member. Work on the film was resumed as soon as possible.
The "real" Venom Tom Hardy shared a photo on social networks:
According to Deadline sources, the premiere of "Venom 3" will take place on November 8, 2024. The film is officially scheduled for release on June 14, but the studio may not have time to complete post-production by that time.
"Venom 3" will be the last part of the filmed story of Eddie Brock.
Movies & TV
19 November, 2023Filming of "Venom 3" resumed — Tom Hardy shared a photo
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